Sunday, December 31st, 2017

I am not a manager, nor do I aspire to be one anytime soon. Radical Candor by Kim Scott was a book that I saw repeatedly being read at The Nerdery and I had heard good things about it. After listening to a podcast interview with the author, I realized that it wasn’t only about management, and that it could apply equally well to general workplace relationships. Here are some notes – abbreviated and not by any measure a thorough representation of the book, but nevertheless potentially helpful to others considering reading the book (and of course to my future self trying to remember what the book was about ?).

High-level takeaways from Part 1

Grid showing different quadrants of guidance type Image from


The rest of the book (Part 2) details tools and techniques for implementing a culture of radical candor and the getting stuffy done wheel. It’s definitely worth reading if you are a manager or a leader of teams (or just interested in building a better culture and process!). Below are some other interesting pieces from the book and some final thoughts.

Interesting tidbits and quotes

Final thoughts

I admire how freely Scott admits to the many mistakes she has made in her career. She uses her own mistakes as case studies, and frequently turns to the successes of others to show the flip side. This is a humble and admirable way of personalizing these stories while not coming across as self-aggrandizing in a book about management.

Personally, the book has really clarified for me what kind of communication and guidance I have been giving to colleagues and where I might be able to improve.